Tuesday 8 April 2008

A Strange Dream

A friend of mine told me about a dream she had the other night, the building where she worked had changed and she couldn't find her way to the office. As she continued to walk the corridors the building turned more into a maze, occasionally she would pass the same member of staff from her office who would just tut as he passed her. When she tried to call on of the other office members all she would hear was party sounds.

My theory

I told my friend it seems like she's feeling confused and lost at work, the member of staff who is tutting at her must be somebody who is causing some of these feelings and the calling other work friends who are having party suggests she feel isolated from the rest of the group. To which she admitted she does feel like this member of staff patronises her and makes her feel stupid, so the solution to this would be to either talk to this person or learn ways to not let his opinion matter to her as much as it does. So the next step is to discover why it does bother her...

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